Our MongoDB Perl Driver interface is compatible
with the official MongoDB Perl Driver on CPAN. Just add this line to your old project: use BuyLibs::MDB qw(-compat);
MongoDB database client driver from BuyLibs™ is designed for use with Perl. The support for Perl provides developers with a powerful approach to managing database connections and operations.
We offer a reliable and feature-rich MongoDB Perl driver as a commercial alternative, providing ongoing support, updates, and compatibility with the latest MongoDB versions.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# This is a Mojolicious application that demonstrates the use of BuyLibs
# asynchronous MongoDB operations for building a chat application.
# The application utilizes Mojo's built-in async/await functionality to interact
# with MongoDB in a non-blocking, high-performance manner.
# Benefits of BuyLibs asynchronous MongoDB usage with Mojo:
# 1. NON-BLOCKING I/O OPERATIONS: By using BuyLibs asynchronous MongoDB
# connections, the application avoids blocking the event loop while
# performing database operations. This enables the server to handle many
# requests concurrently, improving overall performance and scalability,
# especially in chat applications with frequent, small updates like message
# sending/receiving.
# 2. BUILT-IN SUPPORT FOR PROMISES: Mojo's async/await syntax makes it easy to
# manage asynchronous operations. The syntax is simple and readable, allowing
# developers to write non-blocking code that looks and behaves like
# synchronous code, reducing complexity.
# 3. PARALLEL EXECUTION: BuyLibs asynchronous MongoDB usage helps to parallelize
# I/O-bound tasks (e.g., fetching messages from the database) without waiting
# for one task to finish before starting the next, leading to faster response
# times.
use Mojolicious::Lite -signatures;
use Mojo::EventEmitter;
use Mojo::Base -async_await;
use BuyLibs::MDB qw(-compat); # The "-compat" option allows creating and using
# the new MongoDB client in the same way as the
# original MongoDB:: module.
$ARGV[0] //= 'daemon';
# Initialize the MongoDB connection and database, with specific connection
# pooling settings that enable parallel, non-blocking operations.
helper mongodb => sub {
state $cli = MongoDB->mojo_connect($ENV{MONGOD} || 'mongodb://localhost');
# Increase the default connection pool size from 100 to 150 if needed.
state $db = $cli->db('buylibs_mdb_examples_chatapp');
helper events => sub { state $events = Mojo::EventEmitter->new };
async sub load_messages ($c) {
# Load the latest chat messages asynchronously from MongoDB, in the same way
# as the MongoDB:: module, but using "await" for non-blocking IO.
my @messages =
await $c->mongodb->coll('messages')->find({})->sort({ '_id' => -1 })
return reverse @messages;
get '/' => async sub ($c) {
# Asynchronously fetch previous chat messages from MongoDB to display
# on the web page.
my @messages = await load_messages($c);
# Render the previous messages on the frontend.
$c->render(template => 'chat', messages => \@messages);
websocket '/channel' => sub ($c) {
# Handle incoming messages.
message => async sub ($c, $msg) {
# Save the new message asynchronously to MongoDB.
await $c->mongodb->coll('messages')
->insert_one({ message => $msg, timestamp => time });
# Broadcast the message to all connected clients.
$c->events->emit(mojochat => $msg);
# Send the message to the client.
my $cb = $c->events->on(mojochat => sub { $c->send(pop) });
# Unsubscribe when the connection is finished.
finish => sub ($c, $code, $reason = undef) {
$c->events->unsubscribe(mojochat => $cb);
@@ chat.html.ep
<form onsubmit="sendMessage(this.children[0]); return false"><input></form>
<div id="history">
<% for my $message (@$messages) { %>
<p><%= $message->{message} %></p>
<% } %>
const ws = new WebSocket('<%= url_for('channel')->to_abs %>');
ws.onmessage = function (e) {
document.getElementById('history').innerHTML += '<p>' + e.data + '</p>';
function sendMessage(input) { ws.send(input.value); input.value = '' }
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use Try::Tiny;
use Safe::Isa;
use BuyLibs::MDB qw(-compat); # The "-compat" option allows creating and using
# the new MongoDB client in the same way as the
# original MongoDB:: module.
my $client = BuyLibs::MDB->connect($ENV{MONGOD} || 'mongodb://localhost');
my $db = $client->get_database('test_db_for_mdb');
my $collection = $db->get_collection('sample');
# Create a unique index on the 'name' field and insert multiple documents
$collection->indexes->create_one({ name => 1 }, { unique => 1 });
my @docs = (
{ name => 'Example1', type => 'Normal' },
{ name => 'Example2', type => 'Normal' },
{ name => 'Example3', type => 'Normal' },
for my $doc (@docs) {
print "Inserted document with name: $doc->{name}\n";
# Insert a document with a duplicate name to trigger the error
try {
$collection->insert_one({ name => 'Example1', type => 'DuplicateTest' });
} catch {
if ($_->$_isa('MongoDB::DuplicateKeyError')) {
if ( $_->code == 11000
&& $_->message =~ /E11000 duplicate key error collection:/
&& $_->message =~ /test_db_for_mdb.sample index: name_1 dup key/
&& $_->result->$_isa('BuyLibs::MDB::InsertOneResult')
&& !defined $_->result->inserted_id
&& $_->result->write_errors->[0]->{code} == 11000
&& $_->result->write_errors->[0]->{keyPattern}{name} == 1
&& $_->result->write_errors->[0]->{keyValue}{name} eq 'Example1')
print "Duplicate key error (as expected): 'name' already exists.\n";
} else {
print "Unexpected duplicate key: ", Dumper($_), "\n";
} else {
die "Error inserting document: $@";
# Find documents and iterate using a cursor
my $cursor = $collection->find();
while (my $doc = $cursor->next) {
print "Found document: name = $doc->{name}, type = $doc->{type}\n";
You can find more examples for our MongoDB Perl Driver on GitHub.
The table below outlines the versions of the MongoDB Perl driver to use with a particular MongoDB version.
The first column lists the driver version.
Perl Driver Version | MongoDB 8.0 | MongoDB 7.0 | MongoDB 6.0 | MongoDB 5.0 | MongoDB 4.4 | MongoDB 4.2 | MongoDB 4.0 | MongoDB 3.6 |
8.0+ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | |
7.0 | ⊛ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
6.0 | ⊛ | ⊛ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
5.0 | ⊛ | ⊛ | ⊛ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Icon | Explanation |
✓ | Full feature endorsement is suggested. |
⊛ | The driver version will work with the specified MongoDB version; however, it may not fully support all new features introduced in MongoDB. |
No mark | Compatibility testing between the driver version and the specified MongoDB version has not been performed. |
The module offers robust support for multiple programming paradigms:
All licenses include: |
Perpetual License: Your license code ensures indefinite access to your purchased library version.
Free Updates: Enjoy one year of updates for the latest features and enhancements.
Unlimited Usage: Utilize the BuyLibs library across multiple computers or servers without limitations.
Royalty-Free Redistributables: Include library redistributables in deployment packages without additional royalties.
Flexible API Usage: Utilize the API across multiple applications and distribute freely to end-users.
Permanent License Codes: Your codes never expire, ensuring perpetual access to your library version.
Get in touch or purchase your license key today.
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